Lead Former
Lead Forming Machine
・ Forming Leads by several process as tip bending,
temporary bending and final bending.
・ Forming method is selectable among Mold, Motor and Cylinder.
・ Inspect and detect foreign substances and chip cracks on
IC devices top/reverse side by image processing.
・ Loading IC devices by Parts feeder, Tape, Stick and Tray.
・ Unloading IC devices to Tape, Stick, Tray and Littering box.
Ultra High Speed Handler
・ Applicable to Test time less than 100ms.
・ Sorting Minuscule packages and LEDs
・ Ambient / Hot (+150deg.C)
・ Multiple binning
・ Loading IC devices by Parts feeder, Tape, Stick and Tray.
・ Unloading IC devices to Tape, Stick, Tray and Littering box.
Appearancee Inspection Machine
Appearancee Inspection Machine;
Tray to Tray(Stick to Stick - Capable)
Inspecting Image Processing Unit
CCD Inspection Machine
Transferring the glass surface(the rear side) downward
Hanger and Hook Aseembly Machine
Automatically shaping from wire to hook and assembling.
Wafer Maker System
Capable to operate a high-quality marking
Refrigerator YN-601A
Capable of cooling down to -80 deg.C temperature.
Various customization
Enable to customize combination the other robots and transfer system for image processing
Handling Laser Marking system system.
Capable to manufacture machines according to customers' needs.