May. 1973 |
Y.A.C. Co., Ltd. was established at Akishima, Tokyo with a capital of 2.1 million yen. |
Jun. 1973 |
Penetrated into industrial package business and started to sell packaging equipment to food industry and cleaning industry. |
Aug. 1975 |
Corporate head quarter moves to Tachikawa City, Tokyo |
May. 1976 |
Builds Akishima factory at Akishima-Shi, Tokyo. |
July. 1977 |
Penetrated into semiconductor business. |
May. 1982 |
Built a headquarter factory at Akishima. |
Feb. 1984 |
Developed and started to sell POS system for liquor store |
Aug. 1985 |
Started magnetic memory disk business. |
Jul. 1988 |
Corporate main factory extends floors |
Apr. 1991 |
Opens California Representative Office at Santa Clara, California |
Mar. 1992 |
Builds Technical Center at Akishima City, Tokyo |
Jun. 1994 |
Started to traded on counter of Japan Securities Dealers Association (present “JQ”) |
Oct. 1995 |
Established YAC Systems Singapore Pte. Ltd. at Singapore with a capital of S$300 thousand. |
Nov. 1997 |
Builds the 2nd Akishima Factory |
Apr. 2000 |
Merged with Plasma System co., Ltd. |
Oct. 2001 |
Purchases industrial laundry equipment business from Fuji car Mfg group |
Aug. 2006 |
Acquires and consolidates Yoshimura Machinery Co., Ltd and changes the corporate name to YAC Niigata Machinery Co., Ltd. |
Oct. 2006 |
Listed on TSE2. |
Dec. 2007 |
Listed on TSE1 |
May. 2009 |
Purchases Photo Voltaic business from S.E.S. Co., Ltd. |
Dec. 2009 |
Establishes subsidiary in Korea. |
May. 2010 |
Established YAC (Shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, P.R.C. . |
Apr. 2011 |
Acquired and consolidated Denko Co., Ltd. and changed name into YAC Denko Co., Ltd. |
Jan. 2012 |
DENKO Co., Ltd. changes corporate name to YAC DENKO Co., Ltd. |
Mar. 2013 |
Acquired and consolidated Kokusai Dennetsu Co., Ltd and changed name into YAC Kokusai Dennetsu Co., Ltd. |
Nov. 2013 |
Acquired and consolidated Ohkura Electric Co., Ltd. |
Jun. 2014 |
Established YAC Dastech Co., Ltd. |
Jul. 2014 |
Acquired and consolidated Pheton Co., Ltd. and changed name into YAC Pheton Co., Ltd. |
Nov. 2014 |
Established Shaoxing Weiaixin Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd. |
Jul. 2015 |
Acquired and consolidated Nihon Garter Co., Ltd. |
Oct. 2015 |
Established T.Y.A.C.CORP. |
Jan. 2016 |
Merged with YAC Phoeton Co., Ltd. |
Sep. 2016 |
Acquired and consolidated Miyuki Elecs Co., Ltd. |
Feb. 2017 |
Acquired ion beam application equipment manufacturing business from Hitachi Ibaraki Technical Service Ltd. |
Apr. 2017 |
Transition to holding company system and changed name to Y.A.C. HOLDINGS CO., LTD. |
Apr. 2018 |
Built Fuji factory at Minamitsuru-Gun, Yamanashi. |
Apr. 2019 |
Started Business Unit system by dividing 13 consolidated companies into 4 business field. |
Mar. 2020 |
Acquired shares of Daiichi Co., Ltd. (Sayama, Saitama) and made it a consolidated subsidiary. |
Oct. 2020 |
YAC Garter Co., Ltd. (surviving company) merged with Daiichi Co., Ltd. (disappearing company). |
Oct. 2020 |
Terminated business unit system. |
April 2021 |
YAC Denko Co,.Ltd. (surviving company) and YAC Kokusai Dennetsu Co.,Ltd. (disappearing company) merged. |
April 2022 |
Moved from the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange to the Prime Market |
October 2022 |
Y.A.C. Machinery Co., Ltd. (surviving company) and YAC Niigata Machinery Co., Ltd. (diappearing company) merged. |
April 2023 |
YAC Denko Co.,Ltd. (surviving company) and Y.A.C. Technology Co.,Ltd.(disappearing company) merged. |
April 2023 |
Acquired shares of JE International Corporation and GD tech Co., Ltd. and made them consolidated subsidiaries. |
Nay 2023 |
Concluded an agreement on capital alliance with Linus Biotechnology Inc. |
September 2023 |
Ohkura Electric Co., Ltd. acquires all shares of Hosyo-Sangyo Inc. and makes it a consolidated subsidiary. |
April 2024 |
YAC BIO Ink. is established and becomes a wholly owned subsidiary. |